…and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

We are an advocacy group, seeking to be willing hands and hearts, making our voices heard beyond our church to the nation and the world. We endeavor to help improve the world, beginning with ourselves, our congregation and community, by becoming socially responsible and compassionate about human suffering and social injustices. We focus on an ever-expanding list of social issues and welcome all to join us.
Our Goals:
Continuing to work toward full rights and inclusion for the LGBTQI community in the United Methodist Church, the nation and the world
Increase awareness of and work to eliminate human trafficking
Reduce poverty, oppression, and hunger both local and world-wide
Ongoing Projects:
- Conduct quarterly education and conversation opportunities through Sticky Buns and Sticky Issues
- Participate in the annual Silicon Valley Pride Parade and Festival
- Take part in rallies and demonstration to support Social Justice issues locally
- Advocate for Bread for the World during their annual drive
- Support members of Reconciling Ministries Network and Methodist Fellowship for Social Action
- Collaborate with the League of Women voters to educate regarding ballot propositions
- Invite speakers to discuss social justice issues
Meeting Dates & Times:
While we suspend in-person meetings, we meet on Zoom on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00pm. Sadly, no dinner is involved. Contact the church office to be included in the mailing list.
Contact: Jean Mundell