A mask is not required when you are outside on the church campus.
A mask is not required but strongly encouraged inside the campus.
While COVID-19 is now very much a part of our existence, the effects of the virus can still be debilitating and may lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular events like stroke. As such, we must continue to protect ourselves and others from the virus.
Here in Santa Clara County, community transmission is still high. In order to stay protected:
· Wear a mask indoors in public
· Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines
· If you have symptoms, get tested as soon as possible, and stay home
· If you come into close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, you do not need to stay home, unless you develop symptoms. However, please get tested as soon as possible, and stay home if you develop symptoms.
· Continue to follow other key public health measures including maintaining physical distance from others as much as possible, regular hand washing, and using hand sanitizer
For more information, please visit the CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
Protocols that will remain in place
No passing of the peace at the beginning of worship.
No passing of a microphone for joys and concerns.
No collection of the offering.
(For the sharing of joys and concerns, connection cards will be in the pews. (Online connection cards can be found HERE.)The ushers will collect the cards during the first song/hymn and deliver them to the pastor. The pastor will only read the joys and concerns during worship that are requested to be publicly shared.)