Our Story

We’ve been around since 1866, but we don’t worship like it’s 1866!
Then we gathered under an oak tree to sing of God’s love. Today we gather in our third sanctuary, which stands across from where that great oak tree lived for over 150 years.
Then we sang from hymnals with no accompaniment at all. Today we have two worship services accompanied by every instrument and music in many styles. We use video, dance, poetry, and art to create a multi-sensory experience connecting mind, body and soul to the presence of God.
Then we dressed in our “Sunday finest.” Today we can come as we are in jeans, ties and everything in between.
Then we arrived by horseback or carriage. Today we are more likely to get here by Tesla, Leaf, bicycle or our own two feet. Either way, reducing our carbon footprint still matters!
Some things have changed over the years, but many of our values and commitments remain the same.
Los Gatos UMC remains committed to:
- Radical inclusion and amazing grace for ALL
- Asking questions and continually learning
- Valuing diversity of thought, experience, and perspectives of God
- Serving the lost, the lonely and the marginalized as Jesus did
- Caring for God’s creation
- Helping those in need
- Living in gratitude and generosity
- Creating a community where everyone can connect with the Source of Love, speak their truth, and serve with heart.
- Living Love in all that we do
We believe we come alive and follow Jesus best in a community of love, acceptance and support. So, if you’re searching for hope and meaning, curious about God, or just open to the idea that there might be more to life than meets the eye, join us as we live God’s love and make this world a more beautiful and justice-filled place.