Lighting for Literacy (LFL) is a humanitarian project for youth providing an educational pathway through math, science, and engineering. It is a joint venture between Los Gatos United Methodist Church and Los Gatos Morning Rotary, founded in 2012 by Doug McNeil and Jess Salem. Lighting kits are installed at our UMVIM mission site in Colonet, Mexico each Spring. Through community partnerships, lights have also reached homes, schools and orphanages in multiple countries around the world.

LFL’s goal is to engage local youth in designing solar light units which will be installed throughout the world. Through the exploration of science, engineering and math, teens learn how to build a sustainable, renewable lighting system capable of providing 2 to 3 hours of evening light to homes without electricity. The benefit of the renewable lighting system enables students in underserved countries to have the opportunity to read and advance their educations.
Making a Difference
Lighting for Literacy makes a difference in the world
- Collaborative partnerships introduce youth to science, math and engineering
- Experienced leaders mentor teens
- By creating solutions for underserved countries youth experience Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self” and fulfill the UMC’s mission “to transform the world”
- Children and youth in underserved countries have a better chance at getting an education and fulfilling their potential
For more information please visit the Lighting for Literacy Humanitarian Project website and follow us on our Lighting for Literacy Facebook page to keep up with LFL’s latest projects.
The video below provides an overview of the project.
- White House Administration Champions of Change Award
- Rotary District 5170 Avenues of Service Project Fair Award
- Rotary District 5170 Champion of Change Nomination
- Clean Tech Open Youth STEM Showcase Project
- County Board of Supervisors Commendation
- City of Los Gatos City Council Commendation
- City of Monte Sereno City Council Commendation
- Jefferson Award
- Bishop’s Award, California-Nevada Annual Conference of UMC
Doug McNeil and Jesse Salem received the Jefferson Award and was featured on KPIX news.