Cash gifts
Thank you for being in ministry with LGUMC! There are many ways to make a cash gift to Los Gatos UMC:
Make a gift using the Paypal Giving Fund
We are an approved charity through Paypal and the money comes to us as a grant. People can donate through PayPal and no fees are charged. Charitable gifts are acknowledged in writing when received but do not appear on your annual Statement of Giving
Mail your check to the church
Make checks payable to Los Gatos UMC. Unless otherwise noted, all gifts received in the office are directed to the General Operating Fund. Special designations should be written on the memo line of your check.
Los Gatos United Methodist Church
Attention: Finance Office
111 Church Street
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Bring your check to the church office
Due to COVID 19 restrictions, the church office is closed to in-person contact, but there is a mail slot available. When open, the Church office hours are 9:00am–3:00pm, Monday through Thursday.
Use your bank’s Bill Pay application
If you use online banking, consider using your bank’s online Bill Pay application to have a check sent to Los Gatos UMC. Generally, you can make a one-time gift or set up recurring gift payments.
Donate Online
You have the choice to contribute with e-giving. Contact the church office to receive a form. Fill it out and return with a voided check. You can change the amount or end this form of giving at any time.
Make a gift from your Charitable Gift Fund
If you or your family has established a Charitable Gift Fund, the Finance Office staff will be happy to assist you with information about Los Gatos UMC’s tax-exempt status and tax ID number. Charitable gifts are acknowledged in writing when received but do not appear on your annual Statement of Giving.
Stock Gifts
If you would like to donate stock, please use the following Stock Donation Process:
Name: Los Gatos United Methodist Church
Tax ID # 94-1399283 – We are under the group ruling of the United Methodist Church
Broker: Charles Schwab
Account number: 5671-2297
Schwab’s DTC code: DTC clearing #0164
Thank you for being in ministry with LGUMC. Please let the LGUMC Financial Secretary know the following information so that your donation gets credited correctly:
Name of company whose stock you are transferring:
Number of shares you are transferring: